The Beginning to Change

nd enough preamble, here’s the main issue.

I was quite depressed because of this incident.
But after a week or so, I came to the conclusion that I have no choice but to be the kind of man that makes her regret break me up.
I woke up early in the morning, read a Newspaper without leaking all the articles, and studied English.
It was a simple thing, but I was sure that the accumulation of such activities would help me grow. That is what I thought.
I decided to study English not only because I’m working on a foreign company, but also because Yuki was always studying English.
She could already speak it fluently, but she said that if I don’t do it, I would forget it quickly.
She would play foreign movies on DVD even when she was cooking at home.
I started studying English following her example, and it is still so useful that I have never been so glad to have done so.


December came around in the blink of an eye.

My company aims for a 100% paid vacation rate, so everyone takes long vacations as a matter of course.
Even if I took a long vacation, I had never gone on a trip and just stayed at home.
But this time was different. I wanted to go somewhere far away and get to know the world. The destination I decided on was New York.
New York, a place I had longed to visit since elementary school.
I had decided since then that I would definitely go to see Salvador Dali’s “Memory’s Fixation” someday.
And Yuki was watching “Sex And The City” while making cream stew. If I actually went to that world, I might be able to change myself…

I love this phrase from one of my very favorite movies, By the way.

Eat,Play, love

   old Italian joke… 

   …about a poor man who goes to church every day… 
   …and prays before the statue of a great saint, begging:  “Dear saint, please, please, please let me win the lottery.” 
   Finally, the exasperated statue comes to life…
   …and looks down at the begging man and says:  “My son, please, please, please buy a ticket.” 

   So now i get the joke.  And l’ve got three tickets.

Yes, I bought a round-trip ticket to NY as well.
That was one of the things that changed my future.

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